Ottantaquattro is born from a long previous experience in the photo-video industry. Valentino Piemonti is the soul of Ottantaquattro; his experience starts from a 35mm film, thanks to his father Claudio that rubbed off on him since he was a child, giving him all the equipments to learn the art of photography on the street.

Ottantaquattro also starts to thanks who has always believed in the importance of communication, image and creative process.
Claudio and Valentino already run three photo studios and have been forerunners of innovative filming techniques.

Their love for this noble art has always involved passion and professionalism and today’s mission is to bring the public, companies and hobbyists to a long-lost quality.
In this era the border line between a good photographer and one that has just jumped into is very thin and ottantaquattro’s aim is to stand out from the mass, offering a photography that follows the still persisting rules of the sector, with innovation, research and testings, in order to achieve to a unique result of the ordered job, with a sustained effort and a continual presence at our client’s side.

The greater source of inspiration are people that’s why ottantaquattro is committed to create the unique art that could describe them.

Reminding a famous quote

“The desire to discover, the desire to move, to capture the flavor, three concepts that describe the art of photography.”

Helmut Newton.